Arrangements for the New School Year

Dear Parent/Carer
Arrangements for the Last Day of Term & the New School Year
On Friday 19th July 2024 students will break up for summer. Please ensure your child attends as they have a long Summer break to look forward to. The canteen will be open in the morning to ensure all students have the opportunity to get a school meal during the extended break.
Please note that school buses will not be running as their times cannot be changed so students will have to make their own way home or be collected. Please be considerate to our neighbours when parking if you plan to collect.
Return to school arrangements
Wednesday 4th September 2024
New Year 7 students will start school on this date.
Year 11 parents/carers will be emailed over the summer holiday with an appointment time for Wednesday 4th September and invited in for a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the coming year along with your child. Please ensure that you attend this very important appointment. Year 11 will only be in school with their parent/carer for this meeting and should attend in full school uniform.
New Year 12’s will be emailed with a time to come in and enrol for 6th Form and do not require a parent/carer to accompany them.
Mr Johns will be holding meetings with invited parents/carers of Year 13 in the afternoon. You will be contacted directly regarding this if you need to attend.
Thursday 5th September 2024
ALL year groups will return on Thursday 5th September 2024 at normal school time.
Thank you for your continued support.
We wish you all a happy and safe Summer holiday and fingers crossed the weather improves.
Many thanks.
Mr P Moore
Deputy Headteacher
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