We are a ‘Healthy School’, so we encourage students to eat a varied and healthy diet.
The School Dining Hall is open for breakfast at 8am, for break at 10:45am and split lunches between 13:05-14:05pm for students in years 7-11 whilst it is open all day for 6th formers.
Click here to see our latest menu.
Packed Lunch
If you wish to bring a packed lunch into school, it must be eaten in the Dining Hall. We discourage students bringing fizzy drinks; water is available in the Dining Hall. Due to the time allocation, students do not leave the premises at lunchtime.
Cashless Dining System / Biometrics
The dining hall operates a cashless system. Each child will have their thumbprint scanned so money can be credited to accounts using biometric revaluation machines, which are to be found inside and near the Dining Hall. You can also pay for your sons/daughters' dinner money via the ParentMail app
When using Cashless Catering the minimum payment is £5.00 (ie. Approximately 2 days’ worth of dinner)
If you believe that your child qualifies for free school meals. Once their balance gets low (under £1) parents will be notified by text message.
Free School Meals
If you believe that your child qualifies for free school meals, please contact the Local Authority. Application forms can be obtained from All applications should be completed on line.
If you are unsure if you are eligible for free school meals, don’t hesitate to contact us for confidential advice and guidance.