Vision and Values

Do what matters most
- Placing our students at the heart of everything we do.
- Removing the barriers to learning, so that all students and staff are provided with a vision of what they can be and supported to achieve that vision.

Be yourself, always
- Embracing healthy living so that all are physically, emotionally and mentally enabled to excel and achieve their dreams.

Show you care
- Respecting everyone in the whole school and community, so that we are recognised as a family school within an extended community, which supports and cares for each other.

Succeed together
- Recognising and celebrating student achievement, academically, socially, physically, mentally and inclusively.
- Providing our students with an aspirational vision for their future and the appropriate learning pathway.
- Encouraging everyone in the school community to excel and achieve, in whatever form that may take.
- Being relentless in our determination for each other's success.